

Like many people, I use the week between Christmas and the new year as an opportunity to review my previous year and set some new goals for the coming year. I’ve decided this year I want to set one goal in each of five major areas of my life. Here’s my list…

  1. Spiritual:
  2. Financial:
  3. Business:
  4. Relationships:
  5. Health:

Spiritual Goal: Pray Every Day in 2023

For the past several years, I’ve (at least partially) completed a one year Bible reading plan. I’ve decided that this year, I want to prioritize prayer in a similar way. I’m keeping a note in Craft with a running list of prayer requests and will be setting a goal to pray over that list every day this year.

Financial Goal: Save One Month of Expenses

Long ago, we participated in Financial Peace University. At that point, we had six figured in debt (not including a mortgage). Most of it was school debt, which we paid off when we sold our first home. But once we paid off all our debt, we didn’t do much to really work toward our financial goals. We have a small emergency fund, and for the most part we have been able to spend what we are making, but I would like to start working toward a proper emergency fund this year by saving one month worth of expenses.

Business Goal: Reach 200 Active Subscribers

At the beginning of last year, I put together a plan to scale Digital Church Platform to something much more substantial. I decided that I needed to nearly double our active subscriber count, moving from 60 active clients to 100. It was a ton of work, but we were able to reach that goal this year. My new goal for 2023 is to double our size again, reaching 200 active subscribers.

Relationships Goal: Develop a Habit of Spending Time with Each of my Kids Every Week

Our house is pretty crazy most days. With six of us, there is always a fair amount of chaos baked into a normal day. With all four of our kids in school, I’m able to find time during the day at least a few times each week to spend time with Kelly. But when it comes to my kids, I need to be more intentional to find that time to spend with them. I spent a good bit of time with Ben as his Cub Scout den leader, but the girls require a little more effort. I hope to find a way to make time with each of them much more of a habit than it has been.

Health Goal: Reach and Maintain a Weight Below 160lbs.

I’m only 5’4” tall, so once I tip the scales over 160, I’m in the overweight category. When my weight is below 160, I feel much healthier and more capable to do any of the things I need to do. I am currently sitting around 165, so I’d like to shed at least five pounds and keep it off this year.

Identifying major areas of my life where I want to see change has really helped me to gain clarity around my goal setting this year. What are the major areas in your life that setting just one goal is could make a huge difference for you?

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